Here is a detailed description of the many errors in the above HowTheWorldWorks video on YouTube:


Despite the title of this video, you again, fail to show that I "distorted" any fact, never mind that I "deliberately distorted" anything and, again, your video is factually and logically flawed. Your problems begin when, in this video, you attempt to rebut my video from last August in which I pointed out how Fox News blurred the distinctions between:


A GOVERNMENT RUN HEALTH SYSTEM, in which all hospitals are government owned and all doctors are government employees,

A SINGLE PAYER SYSTEM, in which all health care is paid for by government but hospitals and doctors may remain private, and

A PUBLIC OPTION, in which the government would fund just one of many insurance plans competing in the marketplace.


Instead of rebutting anything I said in my video, however, you show your own lack of understanding of these concepts, beginning right at 0:35 when you claim that H.R. 3200 had "single payer aspects" because there were "subsidies" in the bill. Of course, the defining characteristic of a "single payer" system, is that there is ONLY ONE entity paying health care bills (the government), instead of MULTIPLE entities paying health care bills, like the government (which gives subsidies NOW), private insurance companies, individuals, etc. Saying a system has "single payer aspects" is like calling something "somewhat unique," the label is self contradictory because, again, in a "single payer" system THERE IS ONLY ONE PAYER.


Next, at 0:47, after I contrast the public option in H.R. 3200 with government run and single payer systems by saying H.R 3200 "doesn't include government run health care and doesn't even include a government take over of the insurance industry, sometimes called a single payer system, but, instead only includes a public option in which the government would fund just one of many insurance plans competing in the marketplace," you claim to rebut this statement by quoting just the phrase "only includes a public option" and then saying there are subsidies in the bill. But, I never claimed there were no subsidies in the bill (and, again, there are subsidies in our current health care system), but, instead, I only contrasted the public option in H.R 3200 with a single payer and a government run health system. Your reference to "subsidies" does not rebut anything in my comparison.


Similarly, at 1:31, when you point out that Barack Obama has advocated for a single payer system in the past (which he did, years ago), it does not rebut what I said about "President Obama's truthful statement that he is not advocating for government run health care" because, not only is single payer not government run health care, but Obama is not now advocating for a single payer system and a single payer system is not in either the House or the Senate bill, nor was it in H.R. 3200 when I made my video. Again, the error here is yours in your lack of understanding of the distinctions between:


A GOVERNMENT RUN HEALTH SYSTEM, in which all hospitals are government owned and all doctors are government employees,

A SINGLE PAYER SYSTEM, in which all health care is paid for by government but hospitals and doctors may remain private, and

A PUBLIC OPTION, in which the government would fund just one of many insurance plans competing in the marketplace.


In addition to continuing to misunderstand these concepts, beginning at 1:34, you give your opinion that a single payer system "invariably requires the government to get involved and get between you and your doctor because its always concerned about cutting cots and it never has enough money to fund anything," but you fail to say why the government's role as a non-profit single payer would not be better than that same role played by private for profit insurers nor do you provide any evidence to back up your opinion which is contradicted by the example of all the other industrialized countries which all have more government involvement in providing universal coverage than the U.S. and, as a result, these other countries provide health care of comparable quality at a much lower cost. See, for example, the evidence in my video "Zombie Public Option Puts Stake In Heart of Health Care Costs?"


Next, at 3:00, again without evidence, you claim "the current health care plan does nothing what the politicians promise it's going to do." You provide no specific examples or anything else to support this claim.


Then, at 3:14, you attempt to rebut my recognition of "the contribution that Fox News itself makes to this information gap from which so many Republicans suffer" by claiming "it's the exact opposite," but the only evidence you show are a bunch of clips NOT from Fox News that you claim is somehow evidence of Fox News being informative. These clips show that some Democrats favor a single payer system and hope that a successful public option will create the popular support necessary for additional legislation enacting a single payer system, but the clips do not support your blurring the distinctions between:


A GOVERNMENT RUN HEALTH SYSTEM, in which all hospitals are government owned and all doctors are government employees,

A SINGLE PAYER SYSTEM, in which all health care is paid for by government but hospitals and doctors may remain private, and

A PUBLIC OPTION, in which the government would fund just one of many insurance plans competing in the marketplace.


Yet, at 3:23, after showing a clip of Barney Frank saying "a good public option COULD lead to single payer" you turn "COULD" into "MUST" (as you did with John Holdren) and make the unsupported claim that "the public option will objectively lead to single payer because the Democrats tell us that is its very purpose."


Next, at 4:07, you say that "around 30% of Fox's audience are Democrats and more Democrats watch Fox News than CNN or MSBNC combined" but you not only misuse the disjunctive, but you provide no source for your claim (no "links in the sidebar") and you do not explain how your claim, if true, contradicts anything Rachel Maddow said and, more to the supposed point of your video, you never show how your claim means I "distorted" any "fact," "deliberately" or otherwise.


Instead, at 4:23, in response to my true statement that "having Fox News as your main source of information is associated with a huge information gap when it comes to health care reform as shown by the results of a recent NBC/ Wall Street Journal poll" you say that "there is no evidence of that claim whatsoever, in fact, just the opposite," but you never show any evidence of "the opposite" and you never address the ample evidence I cited in that "recent NBC/ Wall Street Journal poll" which is at


In addition, your claim is contradicted by many other such scientific surveys. See, e.g.,


So, when you said there was "no evidence" that was factually FALSE.


Will you correct YOUR error?


Also, at 4:23 you attempt to rebut Rachel Maddow's premise that some Republicans wrongly believe that health reform will lead to a government takeover of health care, but you first use a clip SUPPORTING  Maddow's premise in which Sen. Russ Feingold explicitly says about single payer at 4:53  that he doesn't see "ANY possibility that will come out of this Congress." So, again, that clip and the ones following it show that some Democrats favor a single payer system and hope that a successful public option will create the popular support necessary for additional legislation enacting a single payer system, but those clips do not support your blurring of the distinctions between:


A GOVERNMENT RUN HEALTH SYSTEM, in which all hospitals are government owned and all doctors are government employees,

A SINGLE PAYER SYSTEM, in which all health care is paid for by government but hospitals and doctors may remain private, and

A PUBLIC OPTION, in which the government would fund just one of many insurance plans competing in the marketplace.


You also repeat your claim at 5:58 that a bunch of clips NOT from Fox News are somehow evidence of Fox News being more informative than CNN and MSNBC which you then repeat again for your illogical conclusion at 6:55


So, again, nowhere in this video do you show that I "distorted" any fact, never mind that I "deliberately distorted" anything and, again, your video is factually and logically flawed.


I hope that helps clear up you misunderstanding and


thanks for the video :-)