Here is a detailed description of the many errors in the above HowTheWorldWorks video on YouTube:


Again, in this video, you claim I "deliberately distort the facts," but, not only do you fail to show any factual distortions on my part, but you actually make multiple factual errors of your own in the attempt. You also provide NO LINKS in the sidebar or in the video backing up any of the claims you made (unlike my video you criticized which backed up everything with evidence).


At 1:00, you claim it is "not true" when I said that "Republican Doug Hoffman left his local Republican Party for being too moderate to run in the conservative party," claiming that Doug Hoffman couldn't run as a Republican because there was no primary, but, the error here is yours, not mine, because I never claimed there was a primary and Doug Hoffman was one of several Republicans who competed in 4 regional caucuses before the local county chairs selected Dede Scozzafava as the GOP candidate, See, e.g.


Yet, you FALSELY claim Doug Hoffman "never left the Republican party" at 1:01.


Will you correct YOUR error?


Then, starting at 1:10, you try to claim Dede Scozzafava is not a moderate Republican, without giving any sources for any of the claims you make and without addressing her position in the NY GOP leadership or addressing that her more moderate Republican positions, including some you mention, are also balanced by her more right wing positions like her support for keeping the Bush tax cuts and opposition to cap and trade. MOST IMPORTANTLY, nothing in your analysis actually addresses the my main point of my video that the SPLIT in the GOP, with rights wingers like Palin and Pawlenty purging moderates, is a lasting problem for the GOP which is not contradicted by your repeated references to a "few thousand votes" (e.g. at 1:40 and 2:13). If the GOP had not split, this district, which includes parts that have been represented by a Whig more recently than a Democrat, would have stayed Republican.


At 1:59, you emphasize that David Plouffe "is not a disinterested party" even though I had just  explained his background, but you never address the main point of my video that the SPLIT in the GOP, with rights wingers like Palin and Pawlenty purging moderates, is a lasting problem for the GOP which is not contradicted by calling it a "fluke," or, again, making a reference to a "few thousand votes" at 2:14.


At 2:25 you say you don't know if I am "lying to myself or being dishonest" without ever showing I was dishonest about anything, but,  of course, you still haven't even backed up that claim you made MONTHS ago that I am a "liar" and, after changing your explanation multiple times, you still have not shown ONE thing I said that was even untrue. Perhaps you should apologize for calling me a "liar," Lee?


In any case, at 2:45, you attempt to rebut what I said about Dede Scozzafava, who,"betrayed by so many national Republican leaders, returned the favor and endorsed the Democrat," but your supposed rebuttal just mentions Republican leaders who endorsed Scozzafava, missing the point, again, that there was a a SPLIT in the GOP, and, again, ignoring what I said about "national Republican leaders like Sarah Palin and Tim Pawlenty."



Next, at 3:16, you attempt to rebut what I said about NY's 23rd Congressional including "territory not represented by a Democrat since before the Civil War" by referring to "Michael R. McNulty" which is particularly dishonest because I already rebutted this rebuttal in an argument we had in the comment section of one of your video "Pigs Fly in NY" that you can find at:


So, as I pointed out to you before you even made this video:


"McNulty is STILL in the US Congress, redistricted into NY's 21st. AGAIN, as you may not be aware, redistricting happens every 10 years and, with redistricting, NY's 23rd was 1 of only 2 districts in the entire US that had some territorynot represented by a Democrat for >150 years. In fact, more than 60% of the people in NY's 23rd live where no Democrat has won in the 20th Century" and


"The current NY-23 looks a lot like the old NY-24. McNulty (and, to correct myself, McNulty left Congress in 2009) represented very little of what's now NY-23, just a sliver in Oswego County. More than 60% of the people now in NY-23 live whereno Democrat has won in > 100 years"


At 3:40, you again attempt to rebut me saying that  "this phenomenon of leading national conservatives coming into a district to reject the candidate chosen by the representatives of the local Republican party in that district, could set the tone for the future of the Republican party" but, again,  you never address the main point of my video that the SPLIT in the GOP, with rights wingers like Palin and Pawlenty purging moderates, is a lasting problem for the GOP which is not contradicted by, again, calling it a "fluke," or, again, making a reference to a "few thousand votes."


At, 3:58 you falsely claim regarding Dede Scozzafava that "nobody thought she was a centrist." This claim is factually false. See, e.g.,


Will you correct YOUR error?


At 4:20, you claim regarding Doug Hoffman that "if Scozzafava had not been in the race he would have won the whole thing," but you give no evidence to support this claim which is actually contradicted by your repeated claim that Scozzafava was politically to the left of the Democrat which, if true, would mean her votes would most likely go to the Democrat.


Starting at 5:16 you attempt to rebut Ron Brownstein's point that the purging of moderates extends beyond what happened in NY's 23rd (he cites incidents with Sen. Arlen Specter and Sen Charles Grassley), but your response just cites the election results in NJ and Virginia that I clearly mentioned at the beginning of my video and you never address the examples of  Sen. Specter and Sen. Grassley and, again, you never address the main point of my video that the SPLIT in the GOP, with rights wingers like Palin and Pawlenty purging moderates, is a lasting problem for the GOP which is not contradicted by, again, calling it a "fluke," or, again, making a reference to a "few thousand votes."


At 5:52, you attempt to rebut what I said about having "local candidates to meet the needs of local constituents without being put in a straight jacket by outsiders from the national party," by saying that "There was no primary. Local people didn't get a choice," but, again, I never claimed there was a primary and YOUR claim that local Republicans did not get a choice is, again, false, See, e.g., again,


Will you correct YOUR error?


In the remaining minute or so of your video, you do not even attempt to show any fact I distorted though you repeat some of the claims that I've just shown do not address the main point of my video that the SPLIT in the GOP, with rights wingers like Palin and Pawlenty purging moderates, is a lasting problem for the GOP which is not contradicted by, again, calling it a "fluke," or, again, making a reference to a "few thousand votes" (as you repeat, again, at the end of the video).


I hope that helps clear up you misunderstanding and


thanks for the video :-)



thanks for the video :-)