Here is a detailed description of the many errors in the above HowTheWorldWorks video on YouTube:


At 1:23, you claim I "deliberately distort the truth," repeating the claim in your title, but you never show any truth I have distorted. Instead, your main argument supporting this claim seems to be your accusation at 1:43 that I engage in a "clear bait and switch," but you never explain what the "bait" is supposed to be and what you describe as a "switch" is merely a comparison between two things I never say are the same (i.e. what Van Jones signed and warnings the GW Bush Administration had about a possible 9-11 attack).


In FACT, I clearly showed what Van Jones signed (even beyond the part I read) and provided a link to the full text and I also clearly showed and provided a link to the memo warning GW Bush and I said the former "might remind too many people" of the latter. I never claimed they were the same or switched one for the other, so your claim of a "clear bait and switch" is false.


You also spend time asking what I would have done to stop the September 11th attacks, leading up to your claim at 2:11 that "this is a completely absurd argument," but you never explain what argument I made was supposedly "absurd" or  how anything I said backs up your claim at 3:43 that I was "distorting what the Bush Administration could have done from the 9-11 memo." I discuss the topic of how how, in hindsight, GW Bush could have better responded to the warning he got prior to September 11th, by the way, in an extensive discussion with battim in the comment section of the video you criticized.


Your only other basis for criticizing my video is at 3:40 when you say I am "standing up for Van Jones on baseless facts" even though my video points out Fox News bias without taking a position on Van Jones' appointment and you did not show any of my facts were "baseless."


Moreover, you ignore the ACTUAL  "clear bait and switch" that Fox News pulled between what Van Jones signed and Megyn Kelly's description of it as saying GW Bush was "behind 9-11." Where's your outrage for that actual "clear bait and switch?"


In contrast, nothing I said was a "bait and switch" and your criticisms of my video are not accurate.


I hope that helps clear up your misunderstanding and


thanks for the video :-)


P.S. You make several other baseless statements in this video (e.g. your claim without evidence at 2:23 that Van Jones is "lying" or at 3:31 that he is "an open Marxist"), but none of these other claims even purport to contradict anything I said